Writing Extension: Let's address the envelope!


‘Tis the season for trimming the tree, caroling, and holiday cards! I am one of those people who love to send and receive mail. I think I am a dying breed, but it gives me joy to create a holiday card and send it to my friends and family. Of course, this can be a prime teaching and learning opportunity.

Do your children know how to properly address an envelope?

While my kiddos were taught this skill at a young age, they just don’t get much practice and often forget the proper components and structure.  So, why not take a moment and review this skill while there are plenty of envelopes to address?

Addressing an Envelope:

There are three parts to addressing an envelope:

  1. Return Address

  2. Mailing Address

  3. Postage Stamp

In order for a person to receive your letter, you must follow these rules when addressing an envelope.

Return Address: The return address goes in the upper-left corner of the front of the envelope and includes the following:

  • Name of the writer of the letter

  • P.O. box or street address of the writer

  • City, state, and zip code of the writer

Mailing Address: The mailing address goes in the center of the envelope and includes the following:

  • Full name of the person receiving the letter

  • P.O. box or street address of the person

  • City, state, and zip code of the person

Postage Stamp: The postage stamp goes in the upper-right corner of the envelope.

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Kim Shurley

Kim Shurley is a wife, mother, educator, and wanna-be rockstar. She graduated with honors from the University of Arkansas-Little Rock with a degree in Marketing in 1999. Upon her graduation, Kim joined the Shurley Team, where she collaborates on product development and promotion with her mother-in-law, Brenda Shurley.

Kim believes wholeheartedly in the work she does in curriculum development, which is why she homeschools her two children in the summer months using the Shurley method of instruction. After all, educating children is what this family-run company is all about.

In her spare time, Kim can be found adventuring in the mountains of Colorado with her family.