Help Your Students Improve Their Revision Skills

How many times have you asked your students to revise their work, only to have all of the papers returned to the hand-in basket within a few minutes with little to no changes at all? The problem is that many students lack the necessary grammar skills required to revise.

Simply writing a comment on a student’s paper to suggest a revision isn’t enough.

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The Playbook of Literary Success: Grammar

The Playbook of Literary Success: Grammar

Let’s get back into the language arts huddle to go over some key plays that will help your students win the game! If you missed Part I of the Playbook of Literacy Success, you might want to go back to the starting line to capture the necessity of a strong vocabulary. As for today, we’re going to focus on Part II: Grammar. We’ll begin with some calisthenics we call Shurley English Jingles, and then we’ll move right into our version of the wishbone formation! We call this feature the Question and Answer Flow.

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Writing Folder: New Tools for Writing Success

Writing Folder: New Tools for Writing Success

The Shurley English Writing Folder will help your students move through the writing process with ease. This foldout, four-pocket folder keeps students organized with a dedicated space for their prewriting, rough draft, revised draft, and edited paper. It is packed with handy references, checklists, and tips to ensure students have exactly what they need to produce a polished piece of writing.

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Grow Emotional Intelligence with Storytelling

Grow Emotional Intelligence with Storytelling

Last time, I threw drama into the mix to help kids connect emotionally to their own learning. As we think deeper about how important this connection is, researchers report that storytelling offers a unique opportunity for kids to grow their emotional intelligence quotient.

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ELA Success: If it works, don't fix it!

ELA Success: If it works, don't fix it!

I think you will agree that by and large, if something works, you don’t need to fix it. I suppose it is human nature, or maybe just my nature, but I never seem to be able to leave well enough alone. It seems like if you’re a teacher, you simply must change, revise, correct, improve, or add to—it’s in our DNA! Thank goodness for Shurley English because it is the kind of curriculum that works. It works for a lot of reasons, but right now, I want to talk about how the teaching scripts work for instructors to make teaching the curriculum easy.

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Tips for Effective Communication

Tips for Effective Communication

If I asked you to list the top five sources of stress in your life, your answers might include things like money, work, relationships, health, and time. These common sources are no surprise, but have you ever thought about the stress that is created when you attempt to communicate about any source of stress?

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Activity Time: Say goodbye to mental burnout

Activity Time: Say goodbye to mental burnout

In some of my previous posts, I have touched upon the importance of keeping kids moving in the classroom. Physical movement wakes up their brains, gets their blood flowing, and it’s just plain fun. While many of us typically seek comfort and routine in our daily lives, students in a classroom don’t always need that kind of comfort. Yes, routines can help people stay focused and build self-discipline, but too much routine can also turn us into rigid creatures of habit. In my experience, students are more focused when classroom routines are followed, but there are also great benefits when they step away from the daily grind and get moving. This is the ideal way to help them avoid mental burnout.

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The Benefits of Using Drama Activities in Your Classroom

The Benefits of Using Drama Activities in Your Classroom

Next up on the emotional intelligence list is—wait for it…drama in the classroom…the kind that won’t make you nuts! This subject is near and dear to my heart because I have been a community theatre enthusiast most of my life! I suppose I just gravitated toward drama because I liked the fantasy, the story, the chance to be someone else.

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