Discover Discovery Time

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In order to meet the challenges of today’s work force, students need to be equipped with a broad base of knowledge and the tools necessary to communicate with competence and confidence.  Our Discovery Time enrichment will stimulate students’ interest in a variety of topics, broaden their knowledge base, and provide opportunities for them to communicate what they’ve learned to others! 

Discovery Time is strategically introduced and promoted in each grade level of Shurley English.  Lessons are designed to spark students’ interest in self-guided research as a way to broaden their knowledge base.  Of course, 40+ years of research proves that when learning new information about a topic, prior knowledge greatly impacts a students’ ability to comprehend, draw inferences, and figure out ambiguity.  A broad base of knowledge also helps students think of new ideas related to the topic. 

How It Works: 

Facts about different topics are presented to students during Discovery Time.  Students have the option to pursue any of the topics for further exploration at the library, at home, or on the Internet (with parents’ permission).  After investigating a Discovery Time topic, students may write and publish an independent report to share with others. 


Level 6 Discovery Time Example: 

1. First, students are provided with some interesting information about the Navajo Code Talkers from World War II.

2. Next, students are given several questions to answer that will require more research.

3. Finally, students are challenged to share what they have learned by publishing a report.

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Cindy Goeden

Cindy Goeden has enjoyed being involved with Shurley English for the last sixteen of her twenty-six years in the field of education.  Working with various levels of students in elementary, junior, and high schools, in both the private and public arenas, Cindy surely is thankful for the providential day that she was introduced to Shurley English, which changed forever her approach to Language Arts instruction. That has led to her current job of having the joy of sharing about Shurley with other educators.  Her love of learning has prodded her to earn over two hundred and twenty hours, which includes two bachelor degrees in education.


Cindy currently lives with her husband, Donald, in Indianapolis, Indiana, where she enjoys puttering in her flowers, changing up her décor with the seasons, and occasionally getting out and traveling with Donald to either explore a new beach or view historic sights and gardens.