Tips for Effective Communication

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If I asked you to list the top five sources of stress in your life, your answers might include things like money, work, relationships, health, and time.  These common sources are no surprise, but have you ever thought about the stress that is created when you attempt to communicate about any source of stress? 

During some recent research, I noticed that many articles addressed communication as an additional source of stress created when a person tries to talk about the original stress.  This particular form of stress is called “communication stress.”  For instance, when it comes to stress over money, finding the words and delivering your thoughts and feelings effectively to your partner can add another form of stress for the individual. 

Communication is defined by Merriam-Webster as a spoken or written exchange of information between people.   It’s a two-way street.  It’s also an important life skill that requires a certain amount of knowledge, skills, and practice to do well.  Luckily, Shurley English begins teaching basic communication skills at an early age! 

Most people reading this blog know that Shurley English teaches grammar and writing in a unique way, but many are unaware of the listening, speaking, and reading opportunities that are included as well.  Altogether, we provide students with a well-rounded language arts foundation.

One example comes from the Group and Partner Guidelines used during the revising and editing steps of the Writing Process.  The guidelines teach students the steps required to communicate effectively with a partner and/or peer evaluation group.  As these basic skills are introduced, reinforced, and mastered with the help of the teacher, students’ communication skills grow.

Take a look at the five simple steps that teach students how to listen to a speaker, give constructive feedback, and work together:

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