The Importance of Teaching with Enthusiasm

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As a certified elementary teacher, I came to realize the tremendous amount of power and influence I had on my students very early in my career.  It was clear that my energy and delivery during certain lessons (either high or low) made an impression and greatly affected the outcome of “how” and “what” my students learned.  Since my goal was to be an effective teacher, I purposefully taught every subject with enthusiasm in an attempt to influence my students in the most positive, productive ways possible to increase learning.

Teaching with enthusiasm became my mantra!  I actually incorporated the words “with enthusiasm” into my daily lesson plans as I prepared for every single lesson.  I focused my attention on teaching with as much knowledge, positivity, and energy as I could.  By doing so, I noticed that my students’ attention, interactions, and test scores followed.  The enthusiasm was contagious!

There are many characteristics that effective teachers display, and it’s important to know that showing enthusiasm is one of them.  An enthusiastic teacher can be described as:

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-Seems to enjoy teaching

-Conveys a love of the field

-Has an aura of self-confidence

Engaging students in the learning process can be a challenge, but demonstrating a high level of knowledge and enthusiasm can increase student learning.