Language Arts Success: Top 10 List, 2024 Edition

Language Arts Success: Top 10 List, 2024 Edition

As the calendar year comes to a close, a teacher’s journey is still moving at full speed. (It’s true!) We are not quite to the halfway mark of our year, and we still have much to do! As 2024 comes to a close and before you begin the second semester, I would encourage you to take a moment, stop, and reflect. It is good for the mind and soul to take note of one’s progress. What successes are you seeing in the classroom? Are you on the track you had planned? Do you need to make adjustments?

To help you do so, we've assembled a list of the 10 most significant language arts stories we discussed in 2024. From motivation techniques to writing extensions to language arts centers, these articles examine ways to ignite learning while building a solid foundation for #ELAsuccess.

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How to Manage Stress During the Holiday Season

How to Manage Stress During the Holiday Season

There are only six shopping days left before Christmas! (Let that sink in for just a minute!) I know that Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but right about now, I’m feeling a little less than wonderful! The very idea that I only have a handful of days left to select, purchase, and wrap gifts for my family stresses me out! I’ve never been this unprepared!

People deal with stress on a daily basis, but it’s no secret that stress runs extra high during the holidays. There are four

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Holiday Activity: Let's address the envelope!

Holiday Activity: Let's address the envelope!

‘Tis the season for trimming the tree, caroling, and holiday cards! I am one of those people who love to send and receive mail. I think I am a dying breed, but it gives me joy to create a holiday card and send it to my friends and family. Of course, this can be a prime teaching and learning opportunity.

Do your children know how to properly address an envelope?

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Holiday Activity: My 12 Days of Christmas

Holiday Activity: My 12 Days of Christmas

Coloring sheets, word puzzles, tinsel, glitter, and glue are just some of the items you’ll find scattered around many classrooms during the holidays. There are so many wonderful craft ideas and activities people have used to make the season a memorable one at school. Here’s a fun way to keep your students engaged in writing during the weeks before the holiday break.

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Holiday Fun: A vocabulary game for the whole family

Holiday Fun: A vocabulary game for the whole family

My family and I have played a really cool game throughout our years together. My wife and I thought it up when we were traveling on vacation several years ago, and it remains one of my all-time favorites (not sure anyone else agrees!!). It only requires a brain, a vocabulary, and a voice.

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Holiday Activity: The Kindness Calendar

Holiday Activity: The Kindness Calendar

Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Some of the words associated with kindness are affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care. The act of being kind often requires courage and strength, but a simple act of kindness can have huge effects individually and globally.

Think back to a time when someone was kind to you or when you were kind to someone else. Do you remember the feeling you felt when that person held the door open for you? Did you happen to see the other person smile or light up when you acted with kindness?

Take a look at how kindness affects a human being:

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Writing Extension: The Acrostic Poem

Writing Extension: The Acrostic Poem

Are there times when you wonder, “what is my child thinking?” Well, let me clarify. Are there times when you wonder, “what are my child’s thoughts on a particular topic?” (Yes, that’s better phrasing.)

I find that this question usually hits me around the holidays. While the pageantry, hustle, and bustle of the holiday season surrounds us, I have a desire to know, "what are you thinking?!?" I have found a great way to “tune in” with acrostic poems.

In an acrostic poem, the letters that

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Extend the Lesson: Thanksgiving fun with Grammar Printables

Extend the Lesson: Thanksgiving fun with Grammar Printables

Have you ever asked your students to use a newspaper or magazine to highlight adjectives or adverbs? You may have had the same results as me. I tried this with 3rd-5th graders, and I admit the results were underwhelming. A more effective and interactive way to help your students practice this same skill is to have a little fun with a Mad Libs-inspired worksheet! These sheets can easily be turned into a game or into a story-writing activity in your classroom.

Take a look at this free holiday printable I found online. It can be used in your classroom by following a few easy steps!

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Boost Your Mood With Gratitude

Boost Your Mood With Gratitude

Every year, Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends on the first Sunday in November, when clocks are moved back an hour at 2 a.m. local daylight time. When this happens, It takes our minds and bodies several weeks to adjust to the time change. On top of that, the early evening darkness can wreak havoc on our overall mood due to a reduction in the amount of sunlight we receive.

Research tells us that 4-6% of the American population will experience the effects of

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Writing Extension: A Thanksgiving Keepsake

Writing Extension: A Thanksgiving Keepsake

The upcoming Thanksgiving holiday is the perfect time to help your students show appreciation for someone special in their lives by creating a special, handmade memento.

I’ve got a great activity that will take your students through the entire writing process to create a heartwarming essay to share with their loved ones. Here are the details…

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